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Materiality analysis In 2016, the Group again conducted a stakeholder survey which built upon previ- ous editions. For this purpose, experts at the Lufthansa Group identi ed 12 relevant topics in a rst step while focussing on those elds of action: upon which the Lufthansa Group’s busi- ness activities have a signi cant social impact which in uence stakeholders substan- tially in their evaluation of the Company which are demanded by sustainability standards and regulations which have signi cant in uence on the Lufthansa Group’s ability to generate nancial or non- nancial value over the medium or long term. Safety and adherence to legal requirements were not included as topics in the survey, as the Lufthansa Group considers these to be basic prerequisites for its business activities. Among the groups surveyed were passen- gers, business customers, partners, nan- cial analysts, investors, NGOs, representa- tives from politics and regulatory bodies, media representatives, sustainability experts, and employees. More than 1,000 question- naires were fully completed in an online survey. Internal and external stakeholders were more or less equally represented with respective shares of 48 and 52 percent. The Lufthansa Group donated 1 euro for each questionnaire fully completed by an external stakeholder. These participants could determine themselves whether “their” donation was to go to the charitable Swiss foundation myclimate (see page 67, CO2 compensation) or to the Lufthansa Group’s aid organization Help Alliance (see page 100). the Lufthansa Group will assess the strate- gic environmental program it initiated in 2008 by the end of 2016 and adjust it as needed. This applies in particular to the two elds of action “Climate protection” and “Energy and resource management”, con- sidered as highly relevant by both stake- holders and the Company, as well as the topic of “Active noise protection”, to which the Group also gives highest priority. Furthermore, based on the results of this materiality analysis, the Lufthansa Group has expanded its reporting on the likewise very important action elds “Attractive employer” and “Service and customer orientation”, which have been consistently covered thus far through the strategic program “7to1 – Our Way Forward” (see page 19). The cover topic preceding this Sustainability Report addresses the chang- ing world of work and the resulting challen- ges for HR management (see page 6). In the chapter “Product Responsibility” the coverage of the topics “customer centri- city” and “quality focus” has been expand- ed. It also includes a particularly clear overview of the diverse activities and mea- sures of the Lufthansa Group, all of which share a single goal: To make the travel experience as sustainable and comfort- able as possible for our passengers (see page 68). Materiality matrix Following the survey, the Lufthansa Group’s Corporate Responsibility Council (CRC) analyzed the results and then used this analysis to prioritize central elds of action from the Group’s perspective. The assess- ments by the stakeholders and the CRC of 12 central elds of action were summarized in a materiality matrix. It visualizes the prioritization of these action elds from both stakeholder and Company perspectives and shows whether these elds have an effect inside or outside the Lufthansa Group (see page 22). In the years ahead, the matrix will serve the Lufthansa Group as a basis for the further strategic development of its Corporate Responsibility Management and for ensur- ing a lawful form of reporting, which will be mandatory for larger companies within the European Union from 2017. Another part of the materiality analysis was the determina- tion or adaptation of contents for the Group’s sustainability reporting. The Lufthansa Group plans to further inte- grate those elds of action that have been de ned as very important along with the related central aspects into its business processes and to further develop the rele- vant management approaches. In this way, Presentation and discussion of the stakeholder survey results within the Lufthansa Group’s Corporate Responsibility Council. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2016 // Lufthansa Group // 23

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