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Balance 2015 ENG - Environmental sponsorship

Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2015 // Lufthansa Group // 101 No profit from wild animals At Lufthansa Cargo “live freight” always flies safely and species-appropriately. In the interest of protecting wild animals, the freight airline refuses all commercial shipments of endangered species (see page 84, Balance 2010). For the same reason, the transport of endangered animal trophies has been strictly forbidden on Lufthansa Cargo flights for many years. To take its measures to protect wildlife a step further, the airline has decided not to accept trophies in Africa from species such as lions, elephants and rhino- ceroses – including those that are legally shot or acquired. In this way, Lufthansa Cargo makes another contribution to animal and species protection. October 2015. The project “Treasure on the Coast” is supported by Germany’s Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Responsibility for the “bird of luck” was also assumed by a number of volunteer crane rangers from the ranks of Lufthansa employees in 2014. They used several days of active vacation to lend a helping hand to Crane Protection Germany. Banding campaigns in Turkey and Ethiopia In an effort to save the last 150 crane pairs in Turkey, Crane Protection Germany joined forces with partners to band and radio-tag a number of birds in 2014. Also in the pipeline are various banding and radio- tagging projects in Ethiopia. Today, nearly a third of all known animal and plant species is considered to be endangered. This includes the crane, the Lufthansa Group’s heraldic bird, for at least ten of the 15 crane species around the world are threatened in their existence. With the aim of putting a stop to the ongoing destruction of crane habitats, the Group has been active in crane protection for over 30 years. Environmental sponsorship Lufthansa supports numerous crane pro- tection projects through the charitable working group Crane Protection Germany, which was founded in 1991 by Lufthansa, Naturschutzbund Deutschland (NABU) and the environmental foundation WWF Deutschland. Special emphasis is placed on the Crane Information Center (CIC), which Crane Protection Germany operates in Groß Mohrdorf (see page 110, Balance 2014). The CIC again drew about 15,000 visitors in 2014. During the reporting year, Crane Protec- tion Germany inter alia developed guide- lines for the 92.2-hectare grassland area it received from Bodenverwertungs- und -verwaltungs GmbH (BVVG ) as a transfer from national natural heritage land stocks. The goal is to preserve and expand the marshes and meadows surrounding the Günzer See, a coastal lake in the rural district of Vorpommern-Rügen, as breed- ing and resting grounds for aquatic and migratory birds. To maintain visitor access to this area, Crane Protection Germany is currently constructing a barrier-free obser- vation deck (“Utkiek”), set to open in Impressions of the crane ringing campaign in Ethiopia
