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Balance 2015 ENG

Energy and resource management in its ground operations and catering processes is also of great importance for the Lufthansa Group. The key element in ground opera- tions is the research into and operation of electro-mobility for taxiing and towing of aircraft (see page 50). Building manage- ment as well must satisfy clear, resource- efficient requirements when modernizing existing buildings or planning new ones. LSG Sky Chefs, the Group’s catering spe- cialist, has set itself ambitious goals for avoiding waste and using the resources needed as efficiently as possible. Moreover, the Lufthansa Group cooperates with scientific and research institutions to further optimize environmental protection on the basis of sound data and facts. The Company has been actively involved in noise and climate research for many years (see page 57). It thus participates in research projects, such as those concern- ing the use of alternative fuels and propul- sion systems as well as aerodynamics. 60 years of Lufthansa – 60 years of progress Since the start of flight operations by the new Lufthansa on April 1, 1955, aviation has achieved significant advances in climate and environmental responsibility thanks to technological quantum leaps. For example, highly efficient jet engines have significantly cut kerosene consumption in comparison with earlier years. While aircraft in the 1970s needed about 12 liters of kerosene to carry one passenger over a distance of 100 kilometers, the Lufthansa Group’s fleet needed a mere 3.84 liters on average for the same performance in 2014 (see page 39, Fuel consumption and emissions). At the same time, today’s aircraft are 80 percent quieter than those of 60 years ago. Over the past decades, Lufthansa has repeatedly been involved in the develop- ment of new aircraft models and has also contributed to new insights and perceptible improvements in active noise protection as a result of its commitment to research (see from page 8, Balance 2014, More quietly into the future). Important advances from new materials and technical improvements were also achieved in the area of reducing aircraft weight. In February 2015, the U.S. trade publication Air Transport World awarded Lufthansa the title “Eco-Airline of the Year” for the second time in three years for the Company’s commitment to climate and environmental protection. The reasoning: “The Lufthansa Group works not only for the most stringent goals worldwide for environmentally-con- scious air transport, but it also invests a lot of time, money and effort in efficiency- improving measures.” “Increasing eco-efficiency has been the Lufthansa Group’s focus for many years and will continue to have our undivided attention in the future.” Dr. Karlheinz Haag Vice President Group Environmental Issues Deutsche Lufthansa AG Strategic environmental program 2020 The Lufthansa Group adopted guidelines for environmental protection as long ago as 1996 and thus assumed the role of an industry pacesetter. In 2008, the Group set up a strategic environmental program, aimed at achieving further progress in climate and environmental responsibility until 2020. Looking back shows that the Lufthansa Group has made progress in all areas. For example, the CO2 emissions of the Lufthansa Group’s aircraft per passen- ger and 100 kilometers fell by 12.3 percent between 2006 and 2014. Simultaneously, the Group phased 203 more efficient and quieter aircraft into the fleet between 2006 and 2014, while decommissioning 145 older aircraft over the same period. An overview of the Lufthansa Group’s environ- mental program can be found on the next double page. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2015 // Lufthansa Group // 35
