Respect for human rights is fundamental
The Lufthansa Group has set itself the goal of connecting people, cultures, and economies in a sustainable way that respects human rights. As a globally operating company, we consider it our responsibility to identify and minimize human rights and environmental risks, both in our business operations and along the supply chain, and to put an end to any possible violations.
Our guidelines
The Lufthansa Group is guided by legal requirements such as the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), international conventions and declarations such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UN Global Compact), and the IATA Resolution on Combating Human Trafficking.
Our risk management
To ensure compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations, the Lufthansa Group has established a risk management system. It is described in the Policy Statement of the Lufthansa Group and has been adopted by the Executive Board. The Lufthansa Group's Policy Statement and its Codes of Conduct form the basis for the implementation of the due diligence obligations under the LkSG and reflect the Lufthansa Group's expectations towards its managers, employees, and suppliers.
Our Human Rights Officer
In December 2022, the Executive Board of the Lufthansa Group appointed Vice President Labor Relations Ground Robert Mueller as Human Rights Officer and entrusted him with monitoring risk management in accordance with Section 4 (3) of the LkSG. Robert Mueller has a direct reporting line to the Executive Board member for “Human Rights and Infrastructure” Dr. Michael Niggemann. He is the first point of contact for all human rights-related concerns vis-à-vis the authorities, NGO's, other companies, and the public.

Robert Mueller
Human Rights Officer of Lufthansa Group
& Vice President Labor Relations Ground
Coordination and implementation
The Executive Board of the Lufthansa Group has created the new "Human Rights & Non Discrimination" team within the Labor Relations Ground department. The team coordinates the Lufthansa Group´s activities regarding its human rights obligations and, together with the procurement organization, manages the fulfillment of LkSG obligations within the Lufthansa Group and its supply chain. They are supported by contact persons from various internal departments such as Occupational Health and Safety, Human Resources, Compliance and Purchasing as well as by key accounts in selected Lufthansa Group companies. The decision-making and implementation are steered and supported by a Human Rights Committee in which the Compliance, Sustainability, Procurement, Workplace Health and Safety and Audit departments are also represented.
Our complaints procedure
In order to detect and prevent human rights-related risks as early as possible, or to end violations that have already occurred, as quickly as possible, the Lufthansa Group relies on reports submitted via our complaint channels. Employees of the Lufthansa Group and external third parties, such as customers or suppliers, have several complaint channels at their disposal. For example, they can contact the Lufthansa Group Human Rights Office directly via email, via an electronic whistleblowing system or by means of an external ombudsperson. All information on the complaints procedure is summarized in our Rules of Procedure and published here.