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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN

Hall, where it gives some 50 concerts a year. The orchestra also performs in Cologne Opera productions more than 160 times a year. In 2014, under the leadership of Gürzenich music director Markus Stenz, the orchestra, in keeping with the richness of its tradition, boarded a ­Lufthansa plane bound for Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, and Peking. Among the items the 130 musicians carried in their luggage were the parts to Richard Strauss’s monumental An Alpine ­Symphony, a fitting choice to mark the composer’s 150th birthday. Cologne’s Gürzenich Orchestra delighted classical music fans from all over the world during its Asia tour—including the many employees of the ­Lufthansa Group who seized the opportunity to hear Cologne’s most sought-after brand on the concert circuit in the company of top customers and partners. Ú A traditional New Year’s concert in Berlin On January 27, 2014, the ­Lufthansa Group treated more than 1,000 invited guests to its traditional New Year’s concert in Berlin. On the program was a mix of traditional classical works, big-band selections, and musical comedy numbers performed by various artists. Among the performers were the new crop of young musicians in the Junge Philhar- monie Brandenburg and the Youth Jazz Orchestra of Brandenburg. Also taking part was the music class of a primary school located in Schulendorf in the vicinity of Schönefeld Airport. Ú ­Lufthansa Technik’s benefit concert for two Hamburg institutions On August 24, 2013, ­Lufthansa Technik AG staged for the 11th time, in hangar 7 in Ham- burg, the benefit concert billed as Faszination Musik und Technik (“The Fascination of Music and Engineering”). The proceeds, which came to roughly EUR 60,000, were donated Ú The ­Lufthansa ­Festival of Baroque Music reaches 30 The ­Lufthansa Festival of Baroque Music in London celebrated its thirty years of existence in May 2014. With The Year 1714 as its theme, the festival highlighted the historical connection between England and Germany. Celebrations are underway in 2014 in both England and Germany to mark the 300-year anniversary of the ascension to the British throne of Georg Ludwig, elector of Bruns- wick-Lüneburg, in 1714. As King George I, Georg Ludwig ruled over both Hanover and Great Britain. George Frideric Handel wielded the musical scepter as director of the court orchestra in Hanover and composer at the royal court in London. It was therefore fitting that the 30th ­Lufthansa Festival of Baroque Music opened with the majestic strains of Handel’s Coronation Anthems. With Westminster Abbey, St. John’s Smith Square, and St. Peter’s Eaton Square as its venues, the festival included 12 concerts, several festival walks, and a lecture. Perform- ing were The Sixteen, Pierre Hantai, The Hilliard Ensemble, Laurence Cummings, Rachel Podger, La Risonanza, Dorothee Ober- linger, St. James Baroque and The Choir of Westminster Abbey. This 30th festival brings our involvement to an end, as we will be shifting our attention in relation to corporate citizenship to other issues in the future. Ú First Global Partner to Cologne’s Gürzenich Orchestra The ­Lufthansa Group has supported the acclaimed Gürzenich Orchestra as a First Global Partner since 2010. The Gürzenich Orchestra counts as one of Germany’s lead- ing opera orchestras and, like Deutsche ­Lufthansa AG, it is based in Cologne. Since 1986 the ensemble has been one of the house orchestras of Cologne’s Philharmonic 09 The concert in Westminster Abbey was again one of the highlights of the 30th Lufthansa Festival of Baroque Music. The ­Lufthansa Group supports virtual research travel and online fundraising Ú The ­Lufthansa Group supports the Lab around the world research project under- taken by the online fundraising platform The goal of the project is to use digital hotspots all around the world to link with people who have already success- fully mobilized others for action in the realm of civil society. The virtual research travel- ers will ultimately summarize their analyses and findings in a global study. It is hoped that this will help the social sector work more effectively through the Internet. The ­Lufthansa Group’s employee initiative help alliance also uses the digital network for numerous aid projects. And it, too, works closely with to the phönikks foundation and to the Stiftung der Freunde der Hamburger Hochschule für Musik und Theater. ß Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 113

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