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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN

discussion”) events. In 2013 the company also continued its Dialogue Cockpit events and established the new Purser Forum 2013 series of events. Neighbors, municipalities, and politics We want to do our part to create a competitive transportation infrastructure for the German economy. For this reason we use regional and national forums to highlight for opinion-mak- ers and political decision-makers the role of global aviation in an intermodal transportation scheme. One example of this was the first German Mobility Conference in Frankfurt am Main, in which we participated in 2013. The Lufthansa Group has long maintained an extensive dialogue with representatives of Germany’s federal and state governments. We bring our practical knowledge to bear in various projects and undertakings. At the same time, we work at the international level to make our position clear in regard to legal and regulatory requirements. One of our most important joint efforts concerns, for example, the planned uniform airspace over Europe. We also maintain a vigorous dialogue with mayors and public authorities in the com- munities surrounding our most important company locations. Since 2008 we have, for example, taken an active part in the Airport and Region forum in Frankfurt for the purpose of developing, in cooperation with participat- ing partners, effective measures for protection against noise. At Lufthansa Cargo’s third Cargo Climate Care environmental conference on April 24, 2013, numerous industry experts reported on and discussed megatrends in logistics and the environmental requirements arising from them. This took place partly on the basis of a study that considered various future scenarios for the logistics industry. ß In the reporting year there were also numer- ous events geared towards students and held as part of information days for schoolchildren. In August and September 2013 the visitor service organized for the first time bicycle tours for employees in conjunction with a tour of Lufthansa’s A380 wide-body airliner, thus combining physical exercise and information in an innovative fashion. The range of activities that the Group is involved in is wide. The Lufthansa Group’s participation in the Kunst privat! (“Private art!”) project, for example, offered those interested in art or architecture an opportunity to become familiar with the Lufthansa Aviation Center at Frankfurt Airport on June 8 and 9, 2013. The Tag der Luftfahrt (“Air Travel Day”) took place on the same weekend. Its high- light: the A380. By the end of the first day, more than 1,000 visitors had already taken advantage of the opportunity afforded by a raffle to experience Lufthansa’s flagship up close. Visitor services are operated also by the Lufthansa Group airlines Lufthansa Cargo (at Frankfurt Airport), Swiss (at Zurich Airport), and Austrian Airlines (at Vienna Airport). Investors In the financial year 2013 the Lufthansa Group provided its investors with timely, comprehen- sive, and objective information as usual. We make every effort to earn and maintain the trust of our shareholders by giving them an up-to-date and transparent picture of the Group and its prospects. Members of the Executive Board and employees of the Inves- tor Relations department were on hand at the quarterly conferences, 38 road shows, and nine investors’ conferences to take questions and provide information about the Lufthansa Group’s performance. They used these occa- sions also to conduct more than 300 indi- vidual and group discussions. Our corporate program SCORE, the performance of Lufthansa German Airlines, and the transfer of our decentralized services to Germanwings were each explained in two additional events in June and October. German private inves- tors were another special focus. Representa- tives of Investor Relations gave presentations in 2013 at four forums tailored specifically to private investors. These events were comple- mented by Shareholder Information, which was published twice in 2013. As well as the regular annual and quarterly reports, the Lufthansa Group publishes Investor Info on a monthly basis to inform the capital markets of trends in the airlines’ traffic figures and current topics from across the Group. In addition, bondholders and providers of outside capital received the publication Creditor Info, which contains information relevant to their interests, several times a year on request. All publica- tions, financial reports, presentations, back- ground information, talks, and current news are available also, to anyone who is inter- ested, on the Lufthansa Group’s homepage on the World Wide Web. Employees After the Lufthansa Group introduced numer- ous new dialogue formats for its employees at home and abroad in 2012 (see also Balance 2013, page 28), these were continued and further developed in 2013. Another focus was the formats used for the Executive Board’s dialogue with managers. The reporting year saw an increase in the use of Web-based formats, which aim to guarantee maximum accessibility and make personal exchange of information with top management possible. At the same time, the established Town meetings at various Lufthansa Group locations once again provided a platform for exchange between management and employees of the Group companies. Numerous business seg- ments within the Lufthansa Group also imple- mented dialogue formats of their own, includ- ing, for example, Lufthansa Technik with its new series of MITeinanderREDEN (“Join the  32 // Sustainable Business Practice

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