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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN

V à VOC—Volatile Organic Compounds Volatile organic substances that are charac- terized by high steam pressure and thus evaporate easily into the atmosphere at room temperature. VOCs are present in solvents, cleaning agents, fuels, and other substances. In the presence of nitrogen oxides and intense sunlight, VOCs lead to the generation of ozone. W à Water vapor The most important greenhouse gas, even ahead of carbon dioxide. Without water vapor from natural sources, the Earth’s surface would be around 22 degrees Celsius cooler. This makes water vapor responsible for two- thirds of the natural greenhouse effect (33 degrees Celsius). For each kilogram of kero- sene burned, 1.24 kilograms of water vapor are released. Concerns that air traffic might increase the concentration of water vapor in the stratosphere and thus change the climate have been refuted by scientific research. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) concluded that even a one hundred-fold increase in the quantity of water vapor emitted by air traffic would not result in a detectable climatic signal. à Work-life balance Refers to a healthy equilibrium between work and private life. T à Tonne kilometer (TKO/TKT) Measure of transport performance (payload multiplied by distance). A distinction is made between available transport performance (TKO, tonne kilometers offered) and the actual transport performance (TKT, tonne kilometers transported). In calculating payloads, pas- sengers are taken into account by means of a statistical average weight. à Town meeting Information event for employees at different locations of a company. à Transparency International Anti-corruption organization, of which ­Lufthansa has been a member since 1999. U à UHC—Unburned hydrocarbons Organic mixture of carbon and hydrogen that results from the incomplete combustion of fuels containing hydrocarbons or from the evaporation of fuel. à UN Global Compact Global network in whose context the United Nations cooperates with private-sector corpo- rations and civil action organizations to advance human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption measures. Deutsche ­Lufthansa AG has been a member since 2002. Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // Lufthansa Group // 123

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