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Lufthansa Group Balance 2014 EN - Foreword

Dear Readers, In 2013, as in previous years, the companies of the ­Lufthansa Group and their employees have “maintained the balance.” Even in economically demanding times, we have never lost sight of how important sustainable management of our company is for our long-term success. We have underscored this principle with our membership in the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative for responsible business management, which we joined back in 2002. I am pleased to present to you the 20th edition of our sustainability report, Balance. As the largest aviation company in Europe, we are obligated to a large number of interest groups. We embrace this responsibility. Economic sustainability is fundamental to shaping the important dimensions of our responsibility to society, the climate, and the environment in a manner that is geared towards the future. Our corporate program, SCORE, which we have reported on in Balance and other publications since the program began in 2012, has an important role to play in this regard. SCORE is making a key contribution as we consolidate our financial strength and finance our investments in new aircraft and innovative products and services. In financial year 2013 alone we put 31 new aircraft into service. With the Airbus A350-900 and Boeing 777-9X long-haul aircraft we have on order, we are making a quantum leap—not only where the travel experience of our customers is concerned, but also in respect of noise and fuel efficiency. You can learn about our commitment to active noise protection in our special chapter “More quietly into the future,” included in this report. Aircraft today are 80% quieter than 60 years ago. We are not only quieter as we travel the skies, but also more sparing in our use of kerosene. In the last year the airlines of the ­Lufthansa Group once again achieved a further increase in their fuel efficiency. In 2013, average consumption stood at 3.91 liters of kerosene per passenger per 100 kilometers. That is 3.8% less than in the previous year—another record, this one taking us below the four-liter limit. And for the second time in a row, absolute fuel consumption has decreased. The Group consumed 114,152 fewer tonnes of fuel as compared to 2012, sparing the environment the potential burden of more than 350,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. This equates approximately to the emissions produced by oil-burning furnaces in 50,000 single-family homes in one year. The changes that have been taking place in our company, to which SCORE has given new impetus, will be continuing. They are also seen from “outside” as an important element in the future viability of the ­Lufthansa Group. This makes us even more attractive as an employer, as does our focus on promoting women to management positions. The percentage of women at all levels—in management, on the Executive Board, and on the Supervisory Board—increased further during the reporting year. As compared to the other DAX 30 companies, we have the highest percentage of women on the Executive Board (40%). And with women occupying 35% of the positions on the Supervisory Board, we are in a top position on the Women on Board index. For a more in-depth look at our fascinating company and the world of air travel, I recommend that you read our latest Balance report. Enjoy! Carsten Spohr Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO Deutsche ­Lufthansa AG “Aircraft today are 80% quieter than 60 years ago.” Carsten Spohr Sustainability Report Balance // Issue 2014 // ­Lufthansa Group // 03

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