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110 // Service and Information Fuel Dump Dumping of fuel in ight due to emergency situations to reduce a long-haul aircraft’s weight to the maximum permissible landing weight before unscheduled landings (e.g. in the event of technical problems or seri- ous passenger illness). Special air space is assigned to the aircraft, if possible above uninhabited or thinly populated areas. Fuel is usually dumped at altitudes of 4 to 8 kilometers. A minimum altitude of 1,500 meters and a minimum speed of 500 km/h are required. The aircraft may not y a fully closed circle. The dumped kerosene forms a ne mist in the turbulence behind the aircraft. Despite the use of highly sensitive methods of analysis, no contamination has been detected so far in plant or soil sam- ples after fuel dumps. G Generation Y and Generation Z The term Generation Y applies to those born roughly between 1980 and 1995. It comes from sociology and refers to this generation’s characteristic to question things. “Y” is derived from “why” in this context. Another term to describe this generation is “digital natives”. The term Generation Z applies to the population group of those born after 1995; they are the second generation of digital natives. Global Compact see “UN Global Compact” Great-circle distance The shortest distance between two points on the Earth’s surface, measured in kilome- ters (great circle kilometers) or nautical miles. The center of a great circle is the center of the Earth. Greenhouse gases Gaseous substances that contribute to the greenhouse effect and have both natural and human (anthropogenic) causes. The most important natural greenhouse gases are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4); the most impor- tant anthropogenic greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels and methane, primarily from agriculture and industrial livestock farming. Other arti cial greenhouse gases are ni- trous oxide (N2O), uorocarbons (FCs and HFCs), sulfur hexa uoride (SF6), and chlo- ro uorocarbons (CFCs). H Hub In air transport, a hub is a central traf c point or an airline’s transfer airport. Passen- gers and freight are transported from their point of departure to one of the airline’s “home airports” (hub). From there, they are carried to their destination by a second ight alongside passengers and freight from other departure points, but with the same destination. I IATA – International Air Transport Association The umbrella organization of international commercial aviation. ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization A United Nations agency that develops internationally binding norms for civil aviation. ICC – International Chamber of Commerce The ICC was founded in 1919 as the World Business Organization. More than 1,500 business organizations and over 5,000 corporations are organized in the world- wide framework of the ICC. Lufthansa has been a member since 1955. ILO standards Work standards of the International Labor Organization, which include, among others, the bans on child labor, forced labor, and discrimination as well as the fundamental right of freedom of associa- tion for employees. ISO 14001 – International environ- mental management system Companies thereby receive an effective instrument that allows them to take environ- mental aspects into consideration in deci- sions relating to corporate policies and to continuously improve the situation of envi- ronmental care in relation to all daily tasks.

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